Influencer Marketing can be an impactful way to genuinely reach an audience with influencers who have built a following of people your brand wants to communicate with. To pull off an impactful influencer marketing campaign, organization is important as these campaigns require you to navigate multiple influencers, track data for campaigns you don’t own and ensure campaign goals are being met by others.
It’s important to stay on top of your game when pursuing an influencer marketing campaign in order to establish relationships and loyalty with influencers who fit your brand.
Here are a few tips that brands can use to keep influencer campaigns organized:
1. Create a template for recruitment
Set a way to organize your influencer database whether that’s in a specific platform or even just a Word Doc. Create an outline of information and data to collect while recruiting such as name, handle, location, email, number of followers and more.
2. Keep notes
Throughout the campaign, update your template with notes based on your interactions with influencers. Keep note when they respond with their answer on if they will or won’t partner with you. If they choose not to participate, jot down why so you can keep them in mind for any possible future campaigns that may be a better fit. If they agree to move forward with the campaign, keep track of when you send their compensation, whether that is monetary or in exchange of a good or service, and how much or what benefit you provided to them.
3. Set expectations
When working with influencers, always be clear about the campaign’s expectations by answering the following questions when working out logistics:
4. Measure Engagement
Once the campaign is finished, review the success of each influencer by re-visiting their posts and reviewing the number of likes and comments they received. If they meet your campaign goals, consider keeping the influencer on your list to become a brand ambassador and build loyalty with your company.
5. Build a database of brand ambassadors
Don’t reinvent the wheel for each campaign - start developing your base of influencers with those who have performed well on past campaigns. Each time you start a new campaign, revisit your previous influencer lists to review which individuals you would like to work with again.
If you are a brand, business or organization looking to activate influencer marketing on a local, regional or national level but are unsure of where to start, contact Jones PR to discuss pricing and options.