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February 22, 2017

Day 1: Avoid the flood

Taylor Ketchum – Vice President

Day 1 Wednesday, Feb. 22

Today I am flying to San Jose for a leadership conference at Facebook Headquarters. If that was not making me nervous enough, reports that the worse flooding in 11+ years happened over the last few days in the exact town I am flying into...that fact does not make things any better.

Even though I am a Californian, I grew up closer to SoCal then NorCal --- and the stereotype is true, we really don't like each other. So I do not know the area very well. So I am going to get friendly with Google Maps. I am also a little old school, and I printed Map Quests physical maps for every possible place I am going...both ways!

Currently, I am on my last flight into San Jose, from there it will be the following:

1. Pick up luggage

2. Find rental car place

3. Pick up car

4. Figure out where the heck I am and Google Map it to the hotel

5. Avoid the floods & find food

6. Find my reasonable priced for this area hotel

7. Get changed out of airplane clothes and head to fancy schmancy hotel for a networking event

8. Get back & tell you all about the people I met and my thoughts on tomorrow.

9. Figure out what I am going to wear the day I step onto the campus of the company that got me in PR...no pressure Facebook, but you better live up to it! Oh, and probably iron that outfit.

I will post periodically tomorrow during the event, take photos, video & give my thoughts on the tour I will be taking around lunch! If I can, I will do a Facebook Live from Facebook HQ.

Until then,

Taylor Ketchum

Friend me on Facebook/Instagram to get the latest updates.

P.S. This momma is away from her 18-month-girl for the first time, so send positive thoughts :)

Hear more about Day 2 and Day 3.


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