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July 25, 2016

Is Twitter Flying Too High?

Chip Carter – Vice President

I tell all our corporate clients that they need to be incorporating social media into their overall communications, however, I also stress that different companies need different social media solutions. Facebook is not the same as Twitter, LinkedIn is not the same as Snapchat (or YouTube, Pinterest, etc.). These media channels are each very different businesses, with different models, serving different functions. As Steve Russolillo writes for The Wall Street Journal, Twitter has gone on an extended stock run – surging some 30% over the past month, but this seems based much more on Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn than Twitter’s own doing. Analysts are predicting that when Twitter announces its second quarter earnings Tuesday its likely this little bird won’t be flying quite so high for a while. But social media is as dynamic as any business sector there is, and unlike Mr. Russolillo, I think its way to early to liken them to Icarus.


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