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April 24, 2020

Defining your digital style

Carolyn Taylor – Account Coordinator

What is your digital style and how do you evolve with it?

Recently, I attended a women’s leadership conference (virtually, of course) called SHE Leads OKC. Throughout the many sessions I tuned into via Facebook Live, one of them really caught my interest as I, too, do a lot of work in the digital marketing field.

Patty Toms works for a marketing agency, performs freelance social media work and is a digital performance coach for the Digital Performance Institute…so one could say she’s pretty well-versed in the digital world. So, what does it mean to have a digital style?

Digital style is the way you express yourself and engage with others in a digital manner. It’s important to ask yourself who you are and what makes you, you. What are your interests? What do you enjoy? What are you an expert in? Are you loud or soft spoken? More importantly, how can you best present these characteristics online?

Defining your style could (and should) take a bit of time. Personally, I struggle to make choices and therefore I’m afraid that if I do make a decision, that I won’t be able to change my mind. However, after listening to Patty’s talk, I learned that that’s the beauty of it all — evolving and changing, a phase of the process known as refining.

Change is inevitable. Would you want to be exactly where you were five years ago today? Or better yet, do you still want to be in the same space as you are now in five, 10 or 15 years? Of course you don’t. So, it’s important to learn how to not only accept change but embrace it. The more you learn and grow, the more you can refine and evolve both personally and professionally in the digital world.

Patty broke down how to build your digital style with the 4 C’s: Curate, Create, Capture and Connect.

How will you select, organize and present online content?* If you’re revisiting this stage again to refine your style, how will you evolve? What are you doing to grow?

*If you’re trying to build an Instagram page, try improving your aesthetic.

Bring your content to life! Take the leap and believe that whatever you’re creating will add value to the world.

Take that content and share it with others. Whether you’re sharing video content, website copy or social media, always remember to keep it short and to the point — it’s hard to gain interest in the first place, so don’t lose them within the first few words.

Join these 4 C’s to provide communication with others — your clients, your coworkers, your cheerleaders, your online community…everyone! It’s time to connect.

Defining and refining your digital style can be scary, but it can also be invigorating, exciting and so rewarding. Join Facebook groups, grow your community and be open to sharing your ideas with others. The digital world is still in the up and coming and who knows where we’ll be in 10 years. Start building your digital legacy now and proudly leave your remarkable footprint on the world.

Remember, you can’t know everything, but you do know things that add value, and that is your superpower.


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