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October 17, 2017

The Lost Art of Business Cards

Zack Walker – Creative Director

In a digital-centric society, we have more communication than ever before. Unfortunately more and more of said communication is being orchestrated behind walls of texts and emails. When random people add me on LinkedIn (without any sort of message) all I can think is “Wow, how impersonal.” Most of these interactions feel void of any value. There is no substitute to a real face-to-face interaction and when you have one with a potential employer or future client you need to make it memorable. A good way to do this is to finish off your interaction by offering or exchanging business cards. But why would you want to use such an archaic method in the hyper-digital age?

Well-designed business cards present a sense of professionalism.

Similar to logos, websites and collateral, attractive business cards will present a sense of professionalism and credibility. It’s pretty easy to tell if a business card design saw a professional creative department or your son-in-law that happens to have access to Adobe Photoshop. Devoting marketing funds to make sure your business cards look professional will help you stand out.

Recently, at Jones PR, we redesigned our business cards and couldn’t be happier with the results. They’re unique, memorable and the production didn’t break the bank. As Q4 rolls around, a great way to spend the last bit of your marketing budget is to review your marketing assets (business cards, letterhead, corporate gifts) and determine if your branded items could use a refresh before 2018.

Let’s start a design discussion. Email me at [email protected].


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