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November 14, 2016

Surviving Finals Week: Tips from a Senior

Emily H. Long – Associate

If you are anything like me, you’re thinking where did the semester go? Wasn’t it August like 2 seconds ago? Surprise! It’s almost Thanksgiving and time to start preparing for finals. Wait a minute, how do you even think about finals when you have projects for your internship to finish too?

Luckily, there are plenty of college students asking that same question. So here are a few tips to get you through finals while impressing your employer.

1. Start Early

Starting with the most obvious of them all, but you will be surprised how early studying drastically impacts overall performance. It even helps keep your stress level down because when dead week rolls around, you will be ahead of the game and can say, “Goodbye, all-nighters!”

Instead of watching Netflix for hours and hours, try breaking out those notes and dedicate at least an hour to your notes each night. If you have five classes, then there is an hour a week for each class. Even better, make a schedule of when you will work on projects and study. The key is sticking to that schedule, though.

I know, it’s genius.

2. Take A Week Off

This is probably the most important piece of advice in this post. Most employers won't mind you disappearing for a week in order to work towards a degree. If not, then you may want to search for a new employer. As I have written in previous blogs about university life and internships, nothing is more important than your education.

Chances are you’ll be too busy studying to come in anyway, so find your special study spot and don’t worry about work for a week. No, it’s no vacation but clearing that part of your brain might help a little bit.

3. Don’t Freak Out

There will be a point during the finals week journey when you will absolutely lose all hope of getting a good grade on an exam. Don’t blame yourself. College is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Have fun and experience everything you possibly can. College teaches us how to balance everything so take a take a deep breath, tell yourself you can do it and push through.

Before you know it, finals will be over and you’ll be home for the holidays and back to work. Good luck and happy finals!


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