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July 13, 2018

How to get the most out of your summer internship

Carolyn Taylor – Account Coordinator

Internships are opportunities to take what you’ve learned in the classroom and apply it to real life — but let’s cut to the chase: it can be tough. That’s why finding an agency that values your work is so important.

Here’s some advice: appreciate the lessons behind the mistakes you’re bound to make and follow these tips to make a lasting (and great) impression as a summer intern.

Know you’re valued.
Understanding your worth will help propel your attitude and improve the work you do. Companies invest in students because they want to invest in the future (that’s you!). The sooner you know that everything you do during your internship is appreciated, the better.

Take advantage of office outings.
The best way to immerse yourself into the office culture is to dive in and start getting to know the people you’re working with! Whether it’s grabbing a quick bite to eat or volunteering with the team for an event, you won’t regret getting to know your coworkers.

Find the greener grass.
Stamping envelopes, running errands and organizing materials for a meeting may seem like menial tasks — but look on the bright side: you have the opportunity to interact with people you may not see every day. They’ll notice your attitude as you perform these tasks so make sure it’s a good one!

Take a deep breath — you’re still a student.
Give yourself a break; you’re here to learn! As briefly mentioned before, you’re bound to make mistakes, but the flip side of making a mistake is a learned lesson.
(Just try not to make the same mistake twice.)

Ask for feedback.
One of the many things I’ve learned is how important it is to ask for feedback. Knowing how you’re performing will only improve your work and ensure you do the job better and quicker.

Keep in contact.
Most importantly, stay in touch! Just because your internship ends, doesn’t mean the professional relationships you worked so hard at building all summer do. Write thank you notes before you leave and stop by to visit if you’re ever in the area!


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