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May 23, 2016

Corp COMMentary: Budweiser

Chip Carter – Vice President

Sometimes I come across a marketing idea that I find so good, I actually yell, "Damn, that's brilliant!" out loud. This was my reaction Wednesday morning when I opened my paper and read that Budweiser is seeking to change its name to "America" this summer. If that's not enough flag for your parade, Anheuser-Busch InBev, the Belgium Brazilian beer conglomerate that owns Budweiser, has reworked the iconic Bud label to smash as much Americana as possible on a 12 oz beer can. I don't even really like Bud, but what red-blooded American wants to show up at this 4th of July picnic with a Heineken or Corona when you can support the red, white, and blue with a frosty cold can of America?


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