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April 22, 2016

An Open Letter to the New PR Graduate

Laura Wilcox – Assistant Creative Director

Dear Graduate,

Congratulations! You just graduated from college with a degree in PR, and (as you’ve heard many, many times) the world is full of possibilities. You’ve been asked at least a thousand times what your plans are for the future, and maybe you don’t know. Quite frankly, that’s not a bad thing. I didn’t know either.

I was in your shoes just two years ago, but it seems like much longer. Probably much like you, I had received countless words of wisdoms from older, seasoned souls at my graduation. Mom, dad, uncle, cousin, sister’s boyfriend, third-cousin twice removed, the family dog: everyone had something to say about the key to happiness and success. You’re probably sick of sappy, Hallmark sayings by now, but if I may, let me add just one more.

There are some misconceptions out there about public relations. See, some people believe that our only job is to spin the truth and hide scandals. When I graduated, I was terrified that this might actually be the case. And while that may be a reality for some practitioners, this does not define our industry. In PR, you have the potential to help tell stories that otherwise might never be heard. With great power comes great responsibility, and with that I’ll give you my only piece of advice.

Life isn’t always a glamorous adventure, so work for clients you support, causes you believe in and a company that respects your values. I’m not promising that the road will be easy or that success will come naturally. Starting a career takes grit, and you’re going to fail. A lot, actually. But when you believe in the message and people you promote, each stumble hurts a little less.

At the end of the day, it’s not just about sales. PR is about connecting people and brands in a very real, human way—telling stories, listening to your audience, meeting needs and fighting for things that matter. Little by little, these things add up. You could change one life, a community, the country, or maybe even the world. After all, isn’t that why we chose PR in the first place?

You’re going to do big things, kid. Good luck out there.


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