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September 17, 2017

4 Reasons You Should Join a Professional Organization

Ashley Glass – Account Executive

Joining a professional organization within your local community has many benefits. Whether you’re interested in making more friends, expanding and strengthening your network, developing your career or simply want to be involved – a professional organization can help you achieve all of it.

There are a variety of groups in Oklahoma you can be involved in such as Oklahoma City Young Professionals, Public Relations Society of America, Tulsa Young Professionals, Young Professionals in Energy and Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of Oklahoma City to name a few.

Personally, I am an active member of Ad2OKC, a group of young communicators living and working in OKC. With this group, I have gained many connections throughout different agencies in Oklahoma, collaborated and assisted in creating full-service nonprofit campaigns, volunteered at the ADDYs, been a mentor to college students, received invaluable hands-on training and so much more.

Here are four reasons a professional organization is the right option for you and your career:

• It’s a great resume builder
Being a part of a professional group provides many opportunities to work on projects relevant to your career field. A lot of employers expect this from applicants.

• Networking. Networking. Networking.
Did I mention networking? The amount of connections you can make within a professional organization is unbelievable. These contacts can connect you to the right people whether it is potential employees, employers or simply somebody to know. Knowing somebody that knows somebody can really help you throughout multiple avenues. Plus, it’s always great to make a new friend!

• To gain leadership experience
It’s important to take on a leadership role within your group. Being a leader in the community is a huge bonus for many employers and can help your growth within the company.

• It provides an opportunity to give back
You will be provided with an abundance of opportunities to serve in the community through a professional organization. Many offer community support through multiple initiatives members can be involved in.

Do your research and find a group that best fits you. Once you’ve found one, be as involved as possible. Remember, you only get out what you put in!


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