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March 11, 2015

3 Ways PR and Politics are a Perfect Match

Beverly Hedges – Vice President

By: Will Overlander

Public relations is politics. Politics is public relations. They go hand in hand by definition and the roles within those definitions, and yet so few elected officials see the value and take advantage of the vast network and impressionability of public relations firms. There are three key areas that public relations can have a profound impact on politics.

1) A Call to Action

What better way to kick off a political campaign, legislative initiative, or important voter awareness campaign than by employing a group of people whose sole job is to facilitate connections and spread information for clients. So many times, surveys reveal that voters didn’t even know about a certain piece of legislation on the ballot or that the bill even existed. Awareness is the key to any political movement. Whether a candidate is running for an office or needs to increase voting numbers, an uneducated populace will yield an ineffective initiative. Public relations firms can change that.

2) Politics is a Game of Public Perception

In order to even become a politician, you need the approval of the people who will be casting their vote. Public perception is everything to a candidate, just as it is with public relations firms. Utilizing a PR firm to spread awareness and information about an elected official is a great way to reach voters. A public relations professional who specializes in making sure the right message is heard by the right people will yield more results than a impersonal and broad message from an elected official that may not have their finger on the pulse of the electorate. Once a candidate is elected, public relation and public perception are vital again as the candidate will need to convey their achievements, communicate constantly with constituents, and eventually seek reelection. Using a public relations firm will not only keep a candidate in the forefront of the minds of voters, but also make the candidate seem more approachable and involved, all important characteristics when it’s time to go to the polls.

3) Intergovernmental Relationships

The saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is never more true than in the world of politics. When you hire a public relations firm, you are getting the best of both worlds. You are hiring someone who knows all the “movers and shakers” who get things done in their respective arenas, and you are hiring someone who knows what it takes to get those “movers and shakers” to sign on to an idea. Relationships and support from fellow elected officials are powerful things and the most successful politicians and political campaigns are usually those that have the most influential relationships.

Public relations is politics. Politics is public relations. They are different fingers on the same hand but both vital to the overall function of that hand. There are successful political endeavors that occur without the aid of a public relations firm, but they are much fewer and far between. Any politician will tell you that the best way to get something done is to double down on everything, if you need two votes, get four. If you want to be successful in politics, double down and utilize what public relations professionals have to offer.


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